ARC-5 receiver power supply, an in depth look.

The power supply is essentially a vibrator power supply, but with an IC and mosfet instead of the mechanichal vibrator used in the old days. The schematic can be seen below: It´s actually quite straight forward: The CD4047 is operated as an astable multivibrator, providing two , out of ohase, square waves, driving the gates of the FET´s. The FET´s ground one end of the transformer winding, causing current flow, and induces voltage to the secondary winding (which in this case in the old primary) Switching frequency is determined by capacitor C3 and resistor R4. These values in the schematic gives approx. 50Hz switching frequency. Optional 28V operation: I included holes on the board to hold a zener diode at the input of the CD4047 (max vcc 18v) in case 28v operation would be used (non-modified filament strings). A different transformer is also needed. There is a transformer that fits the board, 14A-10R-36, by the number we can tell that it´s a centertapped 36v seco...