
Showing posts from March, 2025

Getting stuff done, Tram Titan 2

 We all have them, projects that for some reason seems to get stuck at some point. I have a few of them (!), and I also have the nasty habit, whilst I'm up at good momentum at an ongoing project, to get sidetracked by something else. I have fixed a few (or perhaps golden screwdriver-ered them) 11m tube radios and cybernet board "export cb's" for a friend of mine. It's fun, good practice and he enjoys using them. However, Jan brought by a beautiful old Tram Titan 2 more than a year ago, for me to fix, and to add channel 24 (in Sweden, channel 24 is the go-to call channel for SSB). Easy enough I thought, a recap and a dds generator to replace a crystal. Turns out, I was in for more. This project became a multi stage rocket, due to the projects needed finishing, so that I could finish this.  First off, the utracer needed to be finished, so that I could test the tubes in the radio, to know if there was any that needed replacing.  My variac needed some work and an outl...